Google’s Engineers Propose Female Emojis for Women Power

Female Emojis

Internet giant has written requirements Unicode consider emoticons, shows that women work as office workers and bankers, doctors, surgeons, scientists, IT professionals, engineers, mechanics, workers in high-tech industries, farmers, chefs, professor, the proposal is even rock stars.

Google has asked the Unicode Consortium focus of the review, in order to provide a better example of the girls, reducing workplace recommend 13 new emoticons depicting women in gender inequality.

Our proposal is to create a new emoticon represents highlighting women’s career diversity and ubiquitous authorized girl goal wide range of professional women and men.

While the Unicode TR52 bring equality existing male emoticons female emoticons and between us, we believe we can depict a greater positive impact on women by adding 13 new emoticons inter-professional representative sample we believe this will give the young women, the heaviest users of emoticons, to better reflect the key role women play in the world.

Google continues to emphasize that people use its search engine to search for the phrase female emoticons as they search for men emoticons almost as much, and also highlights the fact that many media publications have emphasized the need for women to accurately in Emoji industry representatives.

According to 92% Social Times, emoticons online consumers use on a daily basis to communicate. Among users aged under 25, 72% of users regularly emoticons, and 77% of 25-29 year-old users frequent users. For the 30-35 year-old users, 65% are frequent users, and people over the age of 35 to 60%  is often used.

Google said it by looking at the world’s major industry employees, as well as efforts in mind, in order to encourage more girls into the 13 emoticons public science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields are currently the focus of bearing selection.

Internet giant also emphasized that point proposal does not exclude people who do not identify with a specific gender, but to try to be inclusive and to ensure that all of the people expressed in emoticons.

Because this is not the focus of this work, we recommend that this proposal from the decoupling of emoticons gender-neutral representation. We will encourage other members of the Unicode and together we create emoticons design system that can adapt to a wider range of gender spectrum Google conclusions.

These are not just female version of the existing male emoticons. The Google team proposed that the new male and female emoticons are already in place through a combination of character display; for example, a female farmer as under the cover tractor plus women are encoded, while men surgeon who will be added to the hospital. Areas of expertise include business, health, science, education, science and technology, industry, agriculture, food service, and music, with the latter category featuring pay homage to the late David Bowie.

Here is the complete list of the Google proposed new emoticons:

Business: Office Workers, Accountants, Bankers, Managers, Financial Advisers, Tax Officer, Clerk
Healthcare: Doctors, Physicians, MD
Healthcare: Nurses, Dentists, Anesthesiologists, Radiologists
Science: Scientists, Chemists, Laboratory Technicians
Education: Graduate
Technology: Software Engineer, Encoders, Laptop Users
Industry: Factory Workers, Workers In Metallurgy, Machinery
Industry: High-Tech Industry Workers, Assembly Line Workers,  Machinery, Maintenance Staff, Plumbers, Handyperson
Agriculture: Farmers
Catering Services: Chefs, Cooks
Education: Teachers, Professors,
Music: Rock, Rock Star

We believe that we can increase by 13 new emoticons inter-professional representative sample depicts a greater positive impact on women, the Google team wrote, we believe this will give young women (emoticon heaviest users), and to better reflect the key role women play in the world.

The group says it wants to get the end of 2016 by the standardization of new emoticons, it may have a good shot to achieve this goal – one member, Mark Davis, and Unicode Alliance is co-founder and CEO.

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