How to know if you are suffering from prostate cancer?

Suffering From Prostate Cancer

Every disease shows it own sign and symptoms which is very peculiar in appearance with respect to that organ, if an early step is taken and a vigilant eye is kept on sign your body is giving you further progression of disease can be controlled, in case of prostate cancer it can be controlled either through medication or radiotherapy. For further assessment of your symptoms, you can contact any best urologist near you.

Prostate and its functions:

The prostate is a small walnut-shaped reproductive gland in men, basic function of the organ is to produce the seminal fluid which contains the nutrients that contain components which nourish and transports the sperm to the penis.

What prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer affects almost 70 percent of men above the age of 65 years, thousands of men being affected every year; it is the second commonest form of cancer and being the most concerning symptomatic cancer in males. Prostate cancer is diagnosed when the internal glandular tissue starts showing excessive uncontrollable cell growth. The growth is faster than in a normal tissue which leads to the deposition in the gland in the form of a tumor. Usually, the growth of the prostate gland is considered slow and initially, cancer starts with the simple hypertrophy of the gland also when the cancer is confined to the prostate gland itself it does not possess much harm and is easily treatable.

When there is malignant growth in this organ (prostate) it forms a tumor which can spread to other body organs easily making it a serious disease.

Assessment of the risk factor

Even when you have not reached 60 years of age still you can also suffer from this disease, this predisposition can be the result of either geographical influence or if you are genetically prone. After Assessment of these factors, you can take precautionary measure to avoid the appearance of the disease.

These factors are as follow

Age above 55 years, age plays a very important role in the progression of the disease and regular screening test should be done with age.

A family history of any type of malignant cancer or specifically prostate cancer, a recent study suggested that if your grandmother or mother suffered from breast cancer then you are more likely to develop prostate cancer, so screening for any carcinogenic gene like BRCA1 and BRCA2 should be done.

Certain nationality or races for example American are most disposed compared to Asians

Obesity high BMI index is not directly related to cancers but predisposes for many other early diseases that can turn up into cancer-like hyperplasia of prostate.

In cases, it was found that habits like alcohol; smoking and excessive intake of packed food (having a high level of nitrates) and eating red meat can push you toward a certain type of cancers and prostate cancer being one of it.

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Type of prostate cancer

A most common type of prostate cancer is adenocarcinoma which grows from the glandular tissues of the organ. Prostate cancer can be of two types

Fast-growing cancer, mostly aggressive, spread to distant organs through either blood, lymphatic and the surrounding tissues like liver, lungs, and spleen or even to bones through blood. This is also known as malignant prostate cancer.

A slow-growing nonaggressive tumor that does not spread to distant organs also known as benign tumors


As the disease progresses and prostate enlarges it compresses the urethra by pressure causing urinating symptoms, along with this prostate is responsible for the production of seminal fluid which stores sperm hence it also affects the fertility.

Urinary symptoms

  • As the prostate is located just beneath the bladder surrounding your urethra very first symptom to appears in case of prostate cancer are urinary troubles. Look out for the following symptoms
  • The frequent desire for urination
  • Slower urination
  • Bleeding while urination
  • Sexual issues
  • Erectile dysfunction is very common for prostate cases; impotence can also be caused by prostate enlargements or cancers as erections are affected.
  • Blood in semen after ejaculation can be one of the earliest symptoms of prostate cancer.
  • Pain
  • Metastatic cancer when spreads to abdominal organs can cause pain in the abdomen which usually varies from dull aching pain to sharp shooting. Pain can be present in the pelvic region, back, chest.

Other symptoms

When the cancer cells spread to other organs it can produce symptoms related to that particular organs like if spread to lungs it can produce cough and blood in sputum, if to the spinal cord then numbness in legs and if liver than pain in the right side of the abdomen with vomiting.


Spread of cancer to the distant organs is directly proportional to the outcome and the prognosis of the disease once spread to bones, liver, kidney it causes multiple organ failure.


Even though prostate cancer is considered as a genetically influenced disease but few preventions if adopted early in life can avoid or procrastinate the disease to a much extent.

  • Eat a diet full of yellow fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not do over abuse of supplements and mineral components
  • Avoid packing food that contains an excess of nitrates and ammonia.
  • Maintain weight and exercise at least half an hour in a day (high level of prostate-specific antigen was found in people with less physical exercise and more weight).

If you have all these symptoms do not hesitate to contact your doctor immediately, if advised go for the required test and investigation to find out one disease and rule out the other, further probing can be done like doing a blood test for a prostate-specific agent or pelvic x rays to see the expansion of tumor.

This article is just for informational purpose only. For expert consultation regarding prostate cancer, you can visit the best urologist nearby.

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